Struck a nerve? Not at all. You’re being mocked again because your arguments are ridiculous.
I guess I can understand; it’s easy to lose track and you’re probably not used to having your nonsense volleyed right back at you like a pie in the face.
Allow me to recap.
You made a veiled threat “by the numbers".
I straightened out your numbers for you.
You lost it and claimed there’s no way Biden got that many votes. More veiled threats.
I explained to you how numbers work and suggested you reevaluate your estimation.
You lost it more but the math was too much for you so you did what all you wing nuts do. You attempted to switch topics with unproven conspiracy theories, assuring me it would all come out.
I warned you that your side is flirting with disaster and being foolish. That things would come out, but not the way you think. That you all needed to grow up and act like big boys and girls instead of a spoiled petulant brats. I explained how elections work.
More conspiracy rants. Veiled promise of revolution. You failed to point how bleach injections were an item actually NOT worthy of criticism and scorn. Which made me think there might be some small glimmer of hope. You’re not so far gone you’re going to pull a Nadia.
I suggested an antipsychotic.
You went off on the fact that both our choices this time around were two very old dudes.
I reminded you, that I’d that’s a problem for my side, it certainly is for your too. And suggested you not willfully blind yourself to signs of decline in your guy. I should have added that your guy probably has preconditions now from having Covid, but I didn’t think of it.
You claim to be winning this argument, even when you’re clearly not. Hey, it’s working out well for Dear Leader, why not give it a go?
Did you catch that Supreme Court decision? That was a shocker. Too bad that didn’t go well for your guy. Who would have ever thought thought the Supreme Court would tell Texas they don’t get to tell Georgia or Wisconsin how to vote?
I can’t wait to hear how that’s a conspiracy too—that in a landslide decision from a court comprised 1/3 of his own appointees…he still lost. How could they be out to get him too after he put them in the chair like that? Where’s the loyalty.
Please make it a good one. I’ll leave you alone to go have a lie down and a good think while I make the popcorn. I have some suggestions.
Kavenaugh is being blackmailed by a cabal of former prostitutes turned antifa. He doesn’t want BigDon to find out he’s secretly been a customer of Story Daniels too. Secretly.
Barrett has been taking secret bribes from the CCP to pay for the education of all her kids in exchange for her participation in an experiment to increase her reproductive capabilities exponentially cause you can never have enough spawn. If China can’t beat us economically, they’ll beat us by sheer numbers. They are just that dastardly.
You just can never trust a country with a red flag. It’s obvious.
Your turn.