Spot on. This is so much more about the societal gaslighting about male violence than it is the violence itself.
I disagree with you about the bear analogy not being near perfect on two counts.
1. All these guys (and a few women) with their hurt feelings...we are witnessing the gaslighting and manipulation in real time. It cannot be denied. And it's so blatant and in your face, the lie of it falls apart immediately.
Secondly, that moment of realization when a young father is asked in regards to his daughter.... that's where real change is going to happen. And more importantly, these fathers are figuring it out early enough that they can improve their daughter's lives and more effectively keep their sons from being ensnared by these societal scripts. And it's all down to timing. They won't be reacting or pkayibg catch up after something has already happened, like my dad had to (he still did far far better than most men, and it was my mom who was the societal gaslighter).
This is a gift to the discerning and self aware, to be proactive by lifting the veil of what this gaslighting does to women. And to men. Across the board.
It really couldn't be more perfect. Kudos to the guy who came up with it. It's fucking brilliant.