Spartan men and women used to exercise vigorously, naked, in full view of each other and no one lost their damn mind. Just saying.
There are reasons women wear the clothing they do that go beyond just looking cute. When you're trying to concentrate and form and have unencumbered range of motion to maximize your workouts, then loose or bunching clothing is distracting, much like your unitard thing was because you're long wasted. I'm not a fan of the uniform idea and . most gyms already have dress codes. Frankly, more men should observe them.
Larger gyms also usually have no video rules except to demonstrate exercise technique.
I think what you'll find is that a lot of these videos are in small gyms, like at apartment complexes, where there is no staff and and no one to enforce rules, ones attached to work or educational institutions, or poorly run larger commercial ones.
Let's face it and think practicalities for a minute. Commercial gyms are businesses in the same vein as a bar. It's all about atmosphere. If you're not making your establishment inviting to the sort of clientele who will be loyal and support you by coming back regularly, your business will founder and fail.
It's that simple.
The other types of gyms I listed, don't have that problem because they're perks of and financially subsidized by the larger business, yeah?
That said, it's also like that expression, "one rotton apple will spoil the bunch". It's conceivable that if bad gym behavior, from both men and women, has festered unchecked in these smaller gyms, it may become normalized and make it's way to the larger gyms, threatening their economic viability.
There are plenty of videos out there of men behaving inappropriately too. I saw one recently where a man locked a woman in an aoartment gym and then proceeded to try to assault her. She got away, luckily. There was another one where a woman was trying to film a transition sequence on primal movements and a guy came into frame. She edited the TikTok to point him out and state that he was harassing her. Then this other guy stirched her clip and blasted her for basically slandering her, which got stitched again with a longer clip from the security footage that showed he'd been purposefully disrupting her filming by coming into frame and doing indecent stuff multiple times just to "tease" her. Or, just to have to do another take because he was in frame.
Harassment happens when an intrusive or aggressive behavior happens over and over again. A vid clips showing harassment will generally only show one instance of it. On the plus side, it points it out and shows what's wrong about it. Everyone can see. On the minus side, there's a tendency to say, "what's the big deal?" because you're only seeing that one instance of it.
I stopped going to gyms years ago, in part because of men. Note, I am not blaming men in saying that. It's like how the clothing can intrude on your focus. I'm a natural 36D. At the time I was goinf to gyms, I was a natural 33D. Everywhere I go, no matter what I'm wearing or what I'm doing, I get sexualized and objectified by men. Not all men. But some men will always be watching and scrutinizing and they want me to know they're watching and scrutinizing.
Whether they approach or not, it makes me self conscious and it's intrusive.
There are also butt men and thigh men.
There are also men who just mind their business.
There are women who make money on the internet in various ways off of misogyny. Men too. And maybe some of that's what you're seeing.