Sorry, shift change. Didn't get to finish my thoughts.
Secondly, you've got this idea that women just reject house husbands out of hand. That's not true. Plenty of women wouldn't mind having a house husband. I've commented on that plenty before. My dad can be considered a house husband to my step mom.
You keep saying again and again how women cant see themselves in that role. And yet again and again, many a woman who has tried that role or "dated down" (I hate that term), have the standard about equal or better educationally and financially not because it's what they prefer. They explicitly stated that they don't care. It doesn't matter to them.
It does matter to the men.
Being the dominant and being the provider is tied to the mantle of manhood. Men have a tendency to mistreat or act out passive aggressively or cheat on (that's actually a big one) women who outesrn or are more educstee than they are.
Women don't care, but many are no longer willing to put themselves through the ringer for a man who's going to mistreat them so they set that standard.
Because the man cares and the woman has to protect herself. That man is not glinf to bend over and allow himself to be paddles when he misbehaves or acts out. These men are not submissives.
The want dominance, meaning power and influence over a eoman as a validation of their manhood, but they're not dominants in truth either, because the whole reason the want dominance over a woman is to impress other men. A truly dominant man, a man sitting comfortably and securely as the most powerful, important, or influential does not need to flex for other men to prove himself. Nor does he need to steal or subvert the power, importance, or influence of the woman who loves him.
He's secure in himself.
That's the guy that women want.
The dominant guy, not the guy who has to constantly dominate, or peck, because he frets constantly about his hierarchal status over literally everything else going on in his life. All the people. All the opportunities. All the things.
See the difference?