Somebody got triggered. Cause he got schooled after telling on himself.
Correction to your comment: my comment about sleeping around preventing one from being able to bond was a mirror statement too, mirroring claptrap coming from the manosphere. Prior sexual relationships have no bearing on ones ability to bond, regardless of their gender. In other words, that was sarcastic hyperbole too, employee as a rhetorical device.
Correction to your false assumption: 80% of women are NOT going out clubbing and partying. That's preposterous and the fact you would state so is another example of you telling on yourself. That's hypergamy ideology bullshit. Which podcast bro did you get that from?
Jupiter thanks you for you disregard and is grateful she will not have to fend off unwanted petting and attention as she is a wholesome hound, and you are clearly lacking in equivalent wholesome appeal.
I raised both my girls to not accept trash double standards from aggrieved men. I do want the thank you for the recognition of my ascerbic sarcasm. I've worked long and hard on it so it's nice to be recognized. I have to admit, it's much more fun than ignoring all that hateful rhetoric hurled at me for being a woman on the daily and then having to carry around and diffuse all that anger. Who needs the extra work? I appreciate your kindness in volunteering to be my punching bag. Good day to you sir. You just made my day.