So your answer is to elect an anti-Christ? Someone, who to this day, works in direct opposition of what Christ wanted for us?
Good plan. How’d that work out for you?
It’s honestly hard to see how Trump could be further from the life Jesus laid out for Christians. And you people voted for him because Falwell Jr says he’s God’s chosen??? That should have been a very questionable endorsement out of the gate. It should have required a pause and a solid think through, not a blind jump onto the bandwagon to disaster.
Chosen? Nonsense. I always wonder if any of you people ever even read the Bible. I’m not trying to be insulting, I really wonder. Why do you always want to apply obscure selections of it to everyone else but think you are exempt from the big stuff?
“Remove the log from your own eye before you worry about the splinter in your neighbor’s eye.”
There’s this whole bit about fruits of the spirit, Galatians chapter 5. That would have cleared up the confusion.
What you want, what you’re really asking for is a theocracy. You know Trump doesn’t care a twit about your faith. He’s using you as much as you’re using him. It’s a devil’s bargain you’re gleefully embracing because secretly in your deepest heart, you get a dopamine kick out of the misery of others. You think that makes you smarter and better than other people, like Trump does.
People who have spoken out against Trump are not starting a Pagan war and they are not infidels. They are deeply concerned people, mostly non-evangelical Protestant people of faith, who know it was a corrupt bargain that was never going to end well, that trying to force religion, conversion, or faith directly goes against one of Christ’s commandments, and that there’s NO WAY Trump would be God’s pick without seeing some major changes of character and having gone through some harrowing testing ground, just like all the others who have been called. Even Jesus spent 40 days in the desert.
“It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for the wealthy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven".
These (also) faithful people have been sounding the alarm, hoping to turn their brothers and sisters in Christ away from this folly and back toward God. When it comes time for Jesus to embrace you the last thing you want to hear is, “I don’t know you".