1 min readApr 15, 2021


So will schools. In the end, they teach what is culturally dominant and demanded by parents over what is true and correct.

Schools have taught white washed and female erased history because that is what is culturally dominant. Sex education is scandalously shallow and focused on religious expectations. Schools are being forced to teach creationism as a viable alternative fact because certain religious groups have pressured them into presenting myths as truths.

School is an institution. It’s curriculum is decided upon by boards and ultimately government, which means it will always be limited and bound by agendas of control and coercion.

Expecting any different, is naive at best.

As far as parents who won’t teach their children… my belief is that whatever parents are required to do and provide for their children, most will do their best to do so. Not all. But most. Further, education does not end magically at 18. Whatever you didn’t learn during schooling or that was denied you, as an adult it’s on you. You have full legal rights of adult citizenship as soon as you are of age to go out and learn whatever you want. Whether that’s how to take apart a carburetor or a deep dive into Luciferianism.

Few people leave school without gaps in their education. Frankly, with the availability of information today, people of all ages can learn about whatever they want whenever they want. Those with the drive and the will to do so, do.



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