So turn the TV off. TV is not real life.
Limit what you watch. Teach your kids to be selective. Break down tropes with your kids and talk about how it makes you feel. Be honest. Ask them how they feel.
I barely know any characters from that meme. There’s a reason. I don’t watch those shows. My kid does not watch those shows. We know Homer Simpson. In fairness, none of the other characters are any better for building the mental health and self esteem of the role they portray. Not even Lisa or Maggie.
You can also greatly reduce the amount of advertising your child is exposed to. You should.
Also, what Alison said. It’s a bit rich to blame women for how fathers are portrayed when all these shows are the creations of and financed by men. Many men do blame women because they’ve been made the butt of the joke. What do we have to do with it? We’re still trying to recover from when it was us constantly the butt of the joke. And at the time, it was the only way women could get entry into Hollywood.
Lucille Ball was fabulous, but the candy factory scene prolonged a trope that did a lot of damage.
Any idea how many women have died of eating disorders or committed suicide because of the years of women always being portrayed as incompetent, childish, foolish, etc?