So to fix this problem you vote for a greedy and corrupt businessperson who has used the office to further advance his greed and corruption?
And you think that’s going to solve anything?
Believe it or not, I don’t mean this as a slam on you. I actually agree with you about the rage and fatigue I feel toward politicians. I’ve said for years we, the little guy, need one of us (not a career politician) in all public offices to start setting things right so we won’t continue to be crushed under the wheel.
But Donald Trump isn’t it. He was never it. He’s not one of us, he’s one of them. He’s basically just slumming it. I didn’t vote for Trump because I knew what he was and I knew it wouldn’t go well. To be fair, I couldn’t have guessed it would be this bad, that we would be on the cusp of losing everything we hold dear.
His sociopathic pathology has been on very public display for years. It’s been blisteringly obvious for years. For the life of me, I can’t understand how so many people have failed to see it. How they get so caught up in bully theatre they’ve never stopped for 2 seconds even once to think about what he’s saying. To ask questions and expect an answer. No not allow themselves to be lied to. Again and again and again. To be the willing stooges of a charlatan.
I just don’t get it.