So..... they're being rejected by men?
It's not been a secret that Woo girls are the only ones (women) who have liked the attwntion from PUA culture bullshit. They've always been the type to string men along.
They're some of the real misandrists. That's still not accurate, but they're definitely exploitative.
So again, I wouldn't worry my pretty little head about it if I were you. These ladies never wanted a relationship. They're like Ruby Gillis in Anne of Green Gables. What they wanted is what they got. "I want an endless string of beaus lines up and I want to make them crazy for me!" ~ Ruby Gillis (Lucy Maud Montgomery).
They are the female equivalent of the pick up DudeBros in some pretty profound ways.
Self centered. Obnoxious. Users of people. Commodifiers of love and sex. Approaching romantic love, attraction, and relationships like goddamned crack addicts and expect you as their special dealer. Until the next dealer comes along.
If more of you men read more literature written by women, this would have been plain to you. You wouldn't be confused about what's right in front of your noses now.
Them getting the equivalent of digital consumption is not going to ruin anything for anyone truly wanting connection, intimacy, and love. Because they never did. Not really.
The sooner all these exploitative fuckers get their comeuppance, the better for the rest of us.
Because they're too good at pretending for a hot minute and we're the ones getting hurt.
They need to get the hell off the field of play. Agreed?