1 min readApr 11, 2024


So quit reading Medium articles or expand your read section.

Go read some articles by John Henry, Jaxson What'sHisFace, Allen Innmen (?), Thanos Whatever, the possibilities are endless, really. Next aeticle you see by a woman you feel makes you out to be a BoogeyMan, just stop reading, go to her comments section, pick out any of the guys on their whinging back and then skip on over to his landing page and start reading his content.

You'll feel all better. Problem solved.

I still don't get why you have such a problem with being made out to be a BoogeyMan. Seems like yet another double standard to me as men have ciewee women as forms of BoogeyMan forever and a day.

Unless, you specifically mean you take it as a monster chimera meaning. In which case, I'm dying to know which animal parts you think you've been stuck with, and where.



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