No digging. I'm at work so I don't have my shovel. I think Medium is recycling content or something. Or maybe people are publishing less. Lot of writers have left. Hard to say.
You're being reductive and dodging. How is acknowledging reality unfair. Pecking, harassment, and order via violence is a feature of any true dominance hierarchy. Go out to a park and watch a flock or pifeoms for a while or out to a farm and watch some chickens. Tell me I'm wrong.
Females avoid males as much as possible in dominance hierarchies with a few exceptions. Dominance hierarchies may evolutionarily have a tendency to collapse into sex segregation of a species under certain conditions.
Perhaps what is happening is not a orndulum swinging back and forth, but instead is simply natural evolution toward sex segregation because the pecking and violence has become too extreme to stabilize the system.
Which brings me back to my question. Men, by and large, have signalled pretty clearly that they're more interested in identity thoughts of being a man and everything that goes with it than they are in setting aside dominance hierarchy for something else, like a fusion fission social organization.
And there's still very little push back on extreme male behavior not coming from women.
What guarantee is there that the wave of misogyny we women have had to deal with since Reagan (in my country) won't continue getting worse. I'm not foolish enough to think it will end, I've read Riane Eisler.
I listened to that podcast you were a guest in today, btw. I have notes. 😈 You're probably not going to like them.