Shouldn't be. It's always been curious to me that men find such regimentation soothing. Women pretty much always chafe against the rigidity of patriarchy in some way. Yes there are a sizeable portion who buy into it too and some go hog wild, but they're also always looking for their own safe space within it. It's just usually by throwing other women under the bus. They're Serena Joys and Aunt Lydias, in other words. Every time. I wouldn't say they feel safe and secure or comforted. They're looking for ways for it not apply to them, or not as harshly. To eacape the inherent violence.
So, it seems odd that men would find such harassment soothing on some level. By their behavior, they certainly aren't soothed. They're prone to violence and histrionics. Literally being driven crazy. And stupid.
I also don't get the validation. How is guaranteed failure validating? Even Incels see that the "game" is rigged against them. They stand no chance in winning. They don't have anything else right, but they see that much at least.
It actually reminds me of playing Uno with my brother as a kid. He used to hide the rule book and change the rules so he would always win. Then lie and gaslight about it.
Obviously, the first course of action is to validate the rules and confirm that everyone is playing the same game. Once you establish that, that no, someone is cheating, the next obvious course of action is to stop playing a rigged game. You can't trust cheaters. They'll do you dirty every time. Duh.
The third course of action, putting worms in their bed, is optional; but I highly recommend it. 😜
I can still hear the screaming. 😂😂😈😈