She's not a victim, except to herself. Same as the men. This was shameful, to everyone involved, but not becauae it was a sex stunt per se, and not because of the amount.
It was shameful because it dehumanized everyone involved. It was shameful because it cheapened sex and cheapened a dexual exchange.
It did demonstrate in stark relief how many men have poor feelings about sex and women's bodies. Also how little men respect their own and own sexual experiences. That, in turn, sheds light on why women no longer desire men like they used to. Who in their right mind would want to lie with a man with so little self respect that he would do that? As you said, it's gross. Only women equally lacking in self respect would be okay with that.
You mentioned several times that only her body will bear thr damage od this stunt. First off, that's not true. Statistically, she's more likely to bear most of thr damage because of the numbers and because od the nature of women's more open reproductive systems.
But any one of thise guys could have picked up an STD too. Every one of those guys just had sex with her and de facto every guy in line before him as far as health risk goes.
Beyond physical health, the damage landscape is equal. They all hurt themselves and hurt each other. The damagi g effect on their psyches and their emotional well being is the same.