She's got a valid point, though she says it harshly.
Your study is interesting, but it neglects to ask some relevant questions, and what womens perceptions around them are.
The fact is, although most women don't mind being approached, per se....
the manner in which women are being approached in many cases has become abusive and detrimental to women.
Some women are done with it. You'll find that many of them are objectively beautiful, charasmatic, or have some quality about them that makes them more approachable in the eyes of men. They're getting the bulk of the obnoxious toddler like behavior.
They're not bitter. They're exhausted. Sick and tired. Of men. And sick and tired of being sick and tired because of men.
Other women are, for whatever reason, less approachable. They hardly ever, if ever, get approached. They are invisible to men.
They'd love to be approached.
You could approach these women.
But. If you do with the same shitty behaviors men have been befouling public space with, thinking it's just a numbers game, there's a magic button sequence that gets the sex to fall out of the vending machine (I mean, woman), etc....then the same thing's going to happen. They're gonna get sick of you pretty quick too.
And why wouldn't they? You're rejecting them. Again. And then demanding sex from them.