She’s (AOC) raised 5M at this point and come to Texas to distribute food along with other junior Democratic Congresspersons and aids.
She’s done more for Texans than the people they hired to govern and represent them EVEN THOUGH those same reps have slandered her, maligned her, cursed her, and put her in harm’s way. And then gaslit her as an hysteric.
Yep. That’s the score.
I hope Texans remember.
Cruz won his last election by about 130K votes but only about half of Texas' population could be bothered to vote.
I hope Texans remember that too. If you don’t vote for something different you’re choosing more of the same.
How many hurricanes do you think are going to threaten the Texas coast this year?
Has the water supply been shored up for drought?
What state is health care going to be in supply and personnel wise post COVID?
Do you really think Lyin' n Flyin' Ted Cruz, Greg Abbott, et al are on those issues or are they too busy getting gussied up for Fox News? Got to look pretty for F*cker Carlson—that’s something I guess.
Texans, don’t forget. Don’t forget.