She wanted to be a woman. This is being a woman. When you reach a certain level of success, you have to be sacrificed for the common good lest too many other women put on airs and outshine their "betters".
"How dare you be so fucking bold." That's how it goes.
Womanhood has always been as much something that is done to you as it is something you are inside or how you present yourself by your behaviors or how you dress. Any woman who sticks out of her place too far and too proudly is summarily razed and destroyed as a warning to the others. The foremost torchbearers will likely be other women egged on by loudmouthed men letting everyone know how you deserve to be raped until you are dead or how much they want to punch you to the ground and kick your head in. Or whatever.
Several prominent cis women tried to tell y'all talking that way that it was more than playing pretty princess but y'all didn't want to hear it. Y'all had to come out, tits up, with all that audacity you got from being socialized as boys and make a lot of noise about how all the drab middle aged feminists are just jealous because they're has- beens and because you do femininitity SO much better. *sigh"
So now a few of you are learning some very hard lessons about womanhood. Dylan has nominated herself for sacrifice, unintentionally, of course. There's no way out but through or to renounce herself as Transgender in order to save herself, which would be devastating to the community and feed far right radical hysteria.
It's not about what she deserves. It's not for any of us. No woman deserves the hate and vitriol this society throws at them in all the ways.
Might want to make a note. The reason women take fewer risks is not because they're incapable or because of biological determinism bullshit, it's because they learned very young what happens when you do, as a woman.
Part of being seen and accepted as a woman means that a lot of that male privilege you grew up with and don't think will now be eviscerated for if you step out of line over- employing it or foing too far. You won't get to keep it.
I wish it wasn't that way, but it seems like all the worst douchebag types are zealously invested in gender essentialism. It's do or die for them because they see recognizing nonbinary gender identity as a destruction of their own. They're invested. They'll be coming for you now, like they do all women.
Welcome to womanhood.