2 min readNov 21, 2020


Seems like we share the same views for the most part, but differ on how to get there and whether or not people should be as involved.

I agree that as things are now, most people lack the basic education and sense to make sound political decisions. They way we are schooled and what we are learn when schooled does not lend to a politically responsible citizenry. It serves the interests of power to keep us infantile in that regard. They spend billions each year doing so. Most of us are so perpetually exhausted we can’t find the time to think much less have the energy to cut through the noise if we find the time. We end up chasing hollow entertainments as a result. Things need to slow down and cool down.

I disagree that this problem we are having within the citizenry means we are inherently incapable and need to be protected by a shepherd so we don’t hurt ourselves. I don’t believe we need be experts; we need be reasonable, prudent, patient, diligent, curious, mindful, accountable, fair, and just.

In other words, we need to stop letting ourselves be jerked around by charlatans and grow up.

Experts are great. They do fine, necessary work. But experts can become too focused on their expertise and fail to see the forest because one tree is so fascinating.

Ultimately, everyone, every belief, every organization, and every system, needs to be kept in check from time to time, even AIs. That doesn’t mean they are bad, incapable, or should be excluded, it just means it takes work, constant hard work to keep things balanced enough to keep above water and every pylon must hold it’s weight.

If we have a weakened citizenry the answer is to reinforce and strengthen the citizenry, not remove them from the overall structure and leave that corner of the pier unsupported. That’s just shoddy engineering.



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