See S.R's comment. See? Appropriate use of the word creepy. See where she said the good looking guy "creeped her out".
She also made an excellent point about how you don't call men creeps to their face because you don't want to escalate from creepy to deranged and unhinged. Let's face it, a lot of these guys out there, they just ain't right. In the head.
I do disagree with her in that calling a man a Creep to his face is only ever done to humiliate and shame him because she thinks he's beneath her.
I agree that's a possibility and it does probably happen some. Maybe that's even more the case, in some places.
But consider this too. If a guy is a Creep and he's busy creeping on you, and you're in public, and he's following you as part of that creeping, making a scene by loudly calling him a Creep will force him to back off. People will look to see "the shrew tearing into some poor guy with a harmless crush just trying desperately to get some attention from an entitled female". Now if he has a gun, he's less likely to use it. It puts a spotlight on him in some situations that will de-escalate instead of escalate.
Welcome to living with the stochastic terror of male violence, widespread mental health crisis, and gun culture. Make sure you're wearing your full access vadge on your person at all times. Don't want to get lost.