Same thing. Prepare for federal ban scenarios. Start Setting money aside for out of state or out of country care. Make sure you bank enough time to take off work.
Do not trust men who say they've had a vasectomy or their condoms. Double up on birth control, especially when you're ovulating.
If you’re so inclined, do not date.
End any service that tracks your spending and don’t shop at stores that do or allow employees to refuse you service. Use cash to buy reproductive health products, especially pregnancy tests.
As soon as you’re done having children, get sterilized; again, even if you have to go out of state to do it.
Move to states where rights are protected as soon as you are able. Get your daughters out and to safety if you can’t move as soon as you can.
Protest and all that. Run for office if you can. Hold your congresspeople’s feet to the fire. Write, show up at campaign rallies and challenge. Don’t let them dodge promises or avoid going on the record. Send letters of refusal to have any children until Roe is codified to all members of Congress as well as the CDC and any other institution that tracks vital statistics. Hell, take a pledge and start a petition. If the birth rate tanks to .2 births per woman over the next year or two they’ll realize that instead of playing a winning hand, they stuck their own nuts in a vice.
Challenge evangelical dogma and theological error at every opportunity. EVERY. OPPORTUNITY.
Don’t trust your doctor with reproductive matters. Refuse pregnancy tests. They’ll have to report soon if they already aren’t.
Don’t talk about dating or personal health matters with neighbors, especially religious ones. If you become pregnant, do not tell your boyfriend as he or one of his family members might turn you on or sue you as well. I gotta say, I’m not happy about this, but it is what it is. You have to protect yourself and the children you already have first.
Secure your house. Arm yourself. Stay vigilante. Things will be in a state of flux for a while.
Make 3 abortion plans. Out of state, out of country, and black market. Stay as anonymous as you can.
For teenage girls, unless you know your parent(s) are pro choice and willing to skirt the law if necessary, don’t trust them either. Sadly, there are parents out there who would rather watch you die or throw you out of the house for your sin than get you health care you need.
Stay safe. Be smart. Be discreet.