1 min readAug 12, 2022


Same here. I had a playpen and a crib that barely got used. We co-slept, breast fed and didn't go crazy on clothes. Pacifiers were soundly rejected, as were most toys. I carried her around in a baby backpack kind of thing rather than a sling. She loved it. Never had a stroller. Baths were given on a giant sponge in the bathtub. I don't ever see those anymore, but baby baths are the worst if you ended up with some back pain issues after delivery. Lifting that tub to empty the water slows your recovery and it fucking hurts. When she got big enough to sit up, she had a bath in the kitchen sink until she got to big for that, then it was off to the tub.

I bought everything I could from yard sales rather than retail. I spent less than $500 easy on baby supplies and paraphernalia her first year. That was mostly diapers and baby wipes.

I have found that baby wipes are a must have. If I had it to do over again, I would have bought myself those baby pouch shirts for the early months, made baby wipes rather than buy, not bothered with a crib, maybe gotten a motorized swing, and done everything else the same.

The creative use of pool noodles and splurging for a bouncy house in the toddler years was pure genius on my part. Pure. Genius. I did really well on shoes too.



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