And you think your hate rhetoric doesn’t cause “little ones” to stumble???
You are so blind. There’s a reason why so many evangelical youth are fleeing in droves. They grow up messed up due to all the hate. They can’t get away fast enough. They spend years in therapy and rewiring their world view and beliefs just so they can function and not pass that drivel forward.
My later childhood years were spent around evangelical culture. It’s toxic and poisonous. I can’t even count the number of classmates who fell by the wayside in too early marriages, pregnancy, drug addiction, cutting, anorexia, suicide (or attempts), alcoholism, mental health problems, etc.
Fortunately, my early childhood years were spent in the Tennessee mountains. People were deeply spiritual but not particularly religious. People knew their Bible and they knew it well. Kids grew up whole and sound in their faith with a profound love for God, family, and country.
I’ll never repent for showing love, compassion, charity, kindness, and grace for my fellow man no matter what their struggles in life may be.
I’ll never repent for honoring the word of God and choosing the life Jesus exemplified for us and died for.
But you do you. Best of luck with that. I’d offer you a metaphorical millstone but it’s clear you’d put it around the wrong neck.
P.S. you should really consider the advantages of not throwing around Bible verses you clearly don’t understand and misapply. I’ll leave you with one of my own choosing,
Revelation 22:19, “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”
There is a curse upon those who corrupt the word of God. If Jesus is the living word of God, then what Jesus says goes. Jesus admonished us to care for one another, to be open and speak truth, to uplift, and to not make enemies of each other. Anything less is a waste of humanity, yours and the one you would put under your boot with your hate. It’s a waste of the Gift. How dare you. You need to concern yourself a whole lot less with the shame you would inflict upon others and more with the shame on yourself you’re putting out into the world.