Right? Because you were powerless to leave that marriage honorably without cheating first?
This is why cheaters are cowards. If you listen to them, they'll tell on themselves. They'll say something to the effect of how the marriage was a failure for years, followed with numerous excuses as to why they had to stay, and then one day they met someone they couldn't resist. But they never had those tough discussions with their spouse about their unhappiness, or strengthening their marriage. They never asked for therapy or counseling, or even opening up the marriage.
They were never willing to make changes in work or whatever or ask for changes so that their needs would be fulfilled.
They "couldn't" do it. Spouse "wouldn't" listen.
They festered in resentment like a bump on a log for years without making one move to solve their discontent or saying a damn thing.
And then they couldn't help themselves. They fell on top of someone else, naked, like magic. Definitely by accident. What are you gonna do?