1 min readFeb 19, 2022


Remember what I said about not being a jackass? Try harder.

They're not occasionally honking horns. It's was nonstop for 3 days. Sleep deprivation is considered torture. Torturing innocent civilians because they happen to live near the govt and politicians you despise (again, which were duly, lawfully, and democratically elected) is a dick move. Trivializing the hardship you place on others just to make some obscure point is also a dick move. Nobody's locked in their house. Most of Canada's restrictions have to do with people entering the country. You sound hysterical.

As for what I meant by "harshest terms", I'm not going to pretend I know what all of Canada's laws are but they do have laws and penalties on the books for things like fraud, embezzling, perjury, etc. Whatever this penalties are, they're likely a range, the exact sentence of which is usually determined by a judge or a legal panel. I'm saying if the penalty for perjury is coded in law as 6 months to 3 years the being convicted of perjury as a public official should be an automatic 3 years. No parole. No leniency whatsoever. Barred from ever running for or holding office again. You lose whatever credentials of trust you may have, like a license to practice law or trade public stocks. You've violated public trust. That is harshest terms. I'm not advocating public hanging or whipping up a lynch mob; sorry not sorry to disappoint but that's just right wing fascist nuttery regardless of what country you live in.



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