2 min readOct 4, 2023


Radical feminists are real feminists. Lot of their work is valid and has a place, regardless of how the media has demonized them in order to suppress feminism.

Feminist thought and work runs the gamet. Lot of that is because we're not perfect, were still trying the 'angel' of femininity.

Also, there hasn't been a single gain we have made that has happened by being overly polite and "living". No. It's been by anger and rage and making a lot of noise.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the Dobbs decision happenes after there was a push back toward "niceness". A ideology of "men will be our allies if we're good to them, and welcome them, and show them that Patriarchy both benefits and harms them, and....and...and..." all this work to make room for men and carry their water for them.

It hasn't exactky worked out though, has it? I think that's because of a miscalculation in how most men think.

Lastly, all of that is kind of irrelevant to my point that some women are dyed in the wool authoritarians. It's not a condition that just affects men. About 1/3 of all people tend toeare authoritarianism, another 1/3 toward liberalism or autonomy/self actualization thinking and the last third are fence sitters. They're gonna be good and look out for themselves either way. That's a political breakdown, but I think the same dynamic, more or less, applies to social aspects of autonomy vs domination, civil rights, human rights, etc.

There are some people who think a return to slavery is a good idea and some of those folks are women. They're not brainwashed victims. They believe that bullshit. Others think women should be striped of the vote and denied birth control. Some of them sre women too. Tbeyre not brainwashed dupes either. They know exactly what they're saying.

So even outside the word 'feminism', not all women automatically want what is best for women just by virtue of being a woman.

We need to accept that truth, cause how do you expect to ever deal with it adequately if you can't accept the truth for what it is?

We're no better than men. Being a woman doesn't make you a saint or saintly or automatically default to "live and life" or "we're all in this together".

That's dangerous and reductive thinking.

I see in the comments someone else tried to point out the same thing.



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