Quite the contrary. I’m not angry about it or pointing fingers or any of that other shit. Past that and past despair and all that jazz. Disappointed, definitely still disappointed. But also resigned.
But my comment has to do with my own way of coming to terms and inner peace. And, a choice to not waste time or emotional energy. It was also a recognition of a lifeboat scenario.
Like it or not, by the time most of the people balking at climate change come to their senses and want to start to save themselves and others, things will have deteriorated enough that the people who have been sounding the alarm and pushing for change will be too busy just trying to survive to have any space or energy left for compassion or empathy. Those things will be reserved for the ones left in their shrinking circles of concern and influence.
You shouldn’t assume that just because someone rejects an extreme position that they must therefore be standing on or advocating for the opposite extreme position. That’s not peaceful for a lot of personality types. Neutrality is though. Not wanting to be drug down by, what to me would be, dead weight doesn’t mean I blame them for the situation are all in or for being who they are or taking the position they have.
It just means I don’t see any point in carrying them. It will not gain me or anyone else anything in the end and no one will care either way.