Quite the contrary. If you'll read carefully what I said, you'll see I said there appeared to be a disconnect between what men mean in their own heads and what is being communicated to women.
This is not all the fault of men. It's what's being promoted. I didn't just pull my "definitions" out of my ass, there can be little doubt that interpretation is what's being pumped out there. Seth Rogan, Jordan Petersen, Andrew Tate. More like them promoting the same philisophies and saying the same things. These are what men hit the like button on. These are the people men promote and pay.
This is what women are seeing time and time and time again. The trolls who stalk women's profiles online just to harass them don't help.
If the average Joe thinks any differently, they're not saying so or they're being drowned out.
But hey. Thanks for twisting my comment around to stoke your own narrative. Can't tell you how exciting and rare that is. I'm honored. Now I get to be a part of a very exclusive club. I've waited so long.