Question on your last point. If a local McDonald's is functioning so poorly that people are getting sick and injured from eating there, should I be required to take my family out to dinner there just so someone can have a job and be forced to pander to their incompetence?
How does that benefit anyone in the end? Not only does it put my family in harms way, but it forces those stuck there to stay stuck there with that incompetent leadership instead of finding better, doing better on their own, or banding together with those who actually care about them and their lives to build better for themselves collectively
Schools are failing. Propping up failing institutionalized and politicized schools is not a solution.
One must wonder if they're redeemable at all as long as they are so politicized. As a parent, my goal is to prepare my child to function as an adult. As a parent, I don't feel like schools are doing their part sufficiently.
Besides. I'm already paying property tax to support schools. Do you really think all that extra funding from the federal government (which also comes out of my wallet and yours too) goes to educating kids or to building up sports facilities l, padding supervisor salaries, covering lawsuits from teacher abuses, and the like?