1 min readJul 20, 2023


Probably because I don't understand the fuss being made. Or what my snarky comments about MAGA men having declared open season on women has to do with it?

Who says it's no longer expected to help people in distress and immediate danger anymore? I never said that.

We DO have history, so you know how I feel about the importance of upholding the Commons.

For everyone.

In all manners. Whether that's giving a homeless person some water, deflecting some irate lunatic from verbally abusing the bus driver for no damn reason, getting some corner "preacher" screaming that women are whores to shove off, or calling the police is you see violence about to erupt, simeonenbeing actively assaulted. Whatever. It makes no difference. If you can safely intervene, you are obligated by Samaritan laws to intervene as part of the social contract.

Where is it being said otherwise? Especially in this particular thread?



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