Pearl is all over TikTok. She's a current darling of manosphere type podcasts. I keep seeing clips of her stitched into vids by older feminists I follow.
Pearl is a young woman, I believe she's a Fundie evangelical and she's promoting #TradWife and bashing feminism and feminists.
When I first started seeing Pearl pop up, she's be all dolled up. Long red hair fixed and curled, minimal makeup, wearing a nice, appropriately modest outfit. Typical of the Duggar look, you know? Beige skirts and a peasant/prairie blouse. I first saw her on a panel debating young women about how feminism is abusive to men and blah blah blah "cats".
After that she was always a guest on a podcast geared toward "manly men" and it would be a critique of what was being said.
The last few times she's popped up in my feed, she's been looking a little rough. Messy bun, no makeup, wrinkled tshirts mismatched with a gypsy type gathered skirt. She's been more subdued still bobble heading along with whatever nonsense they're throwing down.
And I'm wondering if she's looking so worn thin because she's obviously gotten a lot of clapback from women, or if being around all these toxic toxic young men has killed her self esteem and made her more desperate for validation.
If that's the case, she won't get it from them. They'll eventually discard her when she's if no further use to them because she's already no longer pleasant to look at. That's what guys like that do. No loyalty. No honor. Everything is always about them.
She may very well swell the ranks of feminism because she's providing a crash course for what toxic masculinity, purity culture, and patriarchal extremes does to women. And it ain't pretty.