2 min readAug 4, 2021


Paid for by those same corporations. De facto, politicians in this country are employees of corporations. Very very few are financed primarily by you and me.

Ergo, it will do no good to eliminate the politicians. The corporations will just install another puppet.

There has to be good faith of balance between labor and capital in order for capitalism to flourish and "work" right. We don't have that any more. They destroyed it and are continuing to do so. We helped them by unreasonable fear of anything labeled "socialist".

Capitalism is NOT inherently evil, any more than socialism is, or any other economic model. It's simply a choice people make in how they organize their economy. That's all. All of them have pros and cons.

That said, how that economic model is expressed cans absolutely be good or evil. Any of them can be, which is why they need to be regulated. Human nature will always attempt to sway systems for advantage, no matter which one.

Fact is, social policies work. They work well when done right. Social policies pair well with capitalism to keep the boat upright.

When done wrong, they can do a lot of damage. Right now, we have a system of corporate socialism squeezing the economic lifeblood out of the populace. Corporate socialism has turned a formerly vibrant capitalist economy into a predatory one.

And since the corporations own the halls of rule making, they're the only ones who can fix what's wrong and keep what we've got. Right the boat, in other words.

They're refusing to do that. They're gaslighting people like yourself. They're fear mongering. And they're getting richer while everyone else is getting poorer.

That being the case, people like you and me are left with reduced choices. Just try to survive while we learn to enjoy poverty, attempt a financial coup (eat or behead the rich -- maybe both), or change the economic model to either straight capitalism in the truest sense of the word or socialism for everyone and not just the wealthy.

Let me remind you that laissez faire capitalism wasn't that great either. There was a lot of hardship and a lot of death (both literal death and economic death) as a consequence. A rollercoaster of booms and busts. It's hard to build real, sustainable, generational wealth under such a paradigm.

The only decent choice here, without a lot of bloodshed, is socialism for everyone given that capital refuses to engage in fair play. In the end, if you can't play nice with your capitalism nobody will want to play with you anymore and you won't get to play at all. Their mamas should have taught them that.



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