May 11, 2023


Oí vey.

Confidence is not the same as entitlement, with respect to the original author. I see where she's going with that line of thought, but they are not the same.

Entitlement means believing, rightly or wrongly that you are owed or due something. It has a transactional feel to it. Do you see that?

Confidence is more about trust. Confidence is the feeling or belief that you can rely on someone, in this case yourself. But you're also projecting to your potential paramour that you can be trusted. Confidence is feeling certain. It's self assurance , again in a dating context, that you are can create and hold space that a woman would find refreshing and want to linger in.

Confident guys are magnetic because they generate space, not because they believe they are inherently deserving of sex, a relationship, women's attention, a girlfriend, or a wife.



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