Or prep in bulk and set up a swap/share for food you don’t use with your neighbors.
This let’s you save money too because you can buy in bulk even with a small family and low storage space.
Grocery stores could consider a buy back program for food waste to keep food out of landfills.
I don’t know how it would work exactly and it would.have to be profitable to be adopted but would be good for people living in cities and apartments. These people are.most likely to adopt composting but then what do you do with the compost if you live in a studio apartment?
Really, we need that compost to make it’s way back to farms to maintain integrity of the soil.
So how about this? A grocery store buys back food waste for pennies on the dollar or some kind of discount on future purchases plan. They’re partnered with the city who picks up the collected food waste daily or weekly and takes it to be composted. The store gets either a tax advantage or a flat payment based on weight they collect. The compost is then sold to local farmers. Maybe the store could get a yearly cut of the sale of the compost.
Something like that. And obviously if it was organize by the city then restaurants, schools, hospitals, care facilities, and churches could be included in that.
Of course the biggest problem here is the government. They’re all more interested in theatrical performances and getting one over on the other party than actually solving problems. So, maybe a Not For Profit or a business.
At any rate, there’s an opportunity there.