Or again, they're setting them aside on advise from PUA types, Influencers, the internet who keep hyping that it's just a number's game, sex is a basic need, you have the right (or the duty) to shoot your shot regardless of the general environment, etc.
These guys don't have a problem with other basic social cues and situations.
So really, I don't believe that they don't know them or didn't learn them. They've become entitled to think they don't apply to them in pursuit of getting laid.
And the guys who are "too shy"... they can't square the cognitive dissonance and it paralyzes them. They've come to believe that they have to shoot their shot, which means coming up to women in the street and asking for sex or trying to get immediate sex like out of a vending machine from some secret code combo but they also know it's breaking social rules and if it was them, they wouldn't like it either because it's dehumanizing.
Real life, daily life does not operate thr same as a swingers club or a sex club where people are there specifically for sex and nothing more. And even those places have social rules that you either follow or you get tossed.