Or a good smacking. That might solve it. Lol.
Actually, these murders and some more, highly publicized ones, might start turning the tide as well. It's not like they were deliberately raised this way and that no one has tried to educate them of their folly. They've chosen not to listen and not to think about the results of their conduct here at home. Theuve chosen not to rub some brain cells together, get some friction going, and think it through.
This is propagandized insanity. What did Einstein teach us all about insanity???
Maybe seeing some of these Influencers they admire so much dropping like flies the minute they step off US or western soil will neutralize this fever they're in.
Can you imagine how ashamed their Mama's must be? I cannot imagine investing that many years in someone, bringing them into this world, loving them and raising them up and have them spit in my face like that. I don't know if I could handle the shame of having a Passport Bro son. And these guys are public. I feel very badly for their Mamas.