2 min readFeb 19, 2021


Only if you accept that your autonomy as a woman depends upon men giving it to you because you won’t fight for it.

You’d be amazed how effective a deterrent to violence a profound belief in a definitely coming their way, more unpleasant retaliation is.

Or a refusal to live in such a society. If you can’t physically get out to safety, there’s always a political stand death. A spate of spite suicides several years ago ( rat poisonings on wedding nights) in one of those middle eastern countries worked miracles toward bettering conditions for women, fewer forced marriages and honor killings. Women in China would drown themselves in village wells. Self immolations were popular in the Asian subcontinent. It’s a last ditch effort and it’s horrible to think about but spite suicides tend to be effective once they become a population trend because you have no society or civilization if the women of that society or civilization refuse to live in it or produce replacement citizens.

Just because most of us can’t go head to head with a man in a physical contest doesn’t mean we’re powerless, can’t fight back, make them profoundly regret it, make it not worth their while, choose to reduce our involvement with them in the first place, or have no other choices.

My grandmother used to have a saying about this sort of thing. You can either beg for scraps your while life at someone else’s table or get a hammer and build your own. Either way, you’re the one who made the meal.

There are equivalents in regards to race. The trick is learning to recognize how and where to put pressure and what kind to get you what you want. That requires several different levels of self, cultural, and societal awareness that aren’t easy to spot from the vantage point of being born into it. On any side of the various divides.



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