1 min readJan 5, 2023


Only if one illiterately reads the the Bible and listens to the crackpot interpretations of crack heads and snake oil con artists who couldn't make it through school well enough to be able to read and think critically.

If one wants to claim expertise on the Bible, the one needs to have spent some significant time digging deep into it, putting it into historical context, checking for meanings of words and translation choices, etc. It is really not good enough to claim to have gotten the call and then start preaching the next Sunday. God spent months, maybe even more than a year preparing Moses. Even Jesus himself needed 40 days being tested out in the desert.

Yet some slick schmuck or addict gets up and people fall all over themselves to give these guys the same level of credibility because they SAY they heard from God and can speak for God.

Come on y'all. Come on. God gave you a brain for a reason. Fucking start using it once in a while, okay?

~ coming from Evangelical nation, I have strong feelings in this area.



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