1 min readOct 14, 2021


"One of these days, Alice, ONE of these days ..... POW! RIGHT IN THE KISSER"

Jackie Gleason's often used and most remembered line from the sitcom The Honeymooners.

It's not advocating or exercising a double standard about domestic violence to recognize that this type of humor was both widespread and employed across the board back in the day. Toward men AND women.

When we learned better, we did better.

Secondly, you're not honoring your sister's life by posting a diatribe against feminists. If your sister lived a life she was happy with and could be proud of then great. We're all happy for her and sorry to see her leave the world. It doesn't follow that her choices are the right choice for everyone. Ultimately, that's what feminism is all about. The agency for everyone to live their lives in dignity, to pursue their passions whatever that may be, and not be forced into roles that don't fit them.

You also dishonor your sister by taking this moment, her moment, and making it all about you and your bitterness against women. There's a stellar send off there. Dying is a journey we are all destined to make sooner or later. When your time comes, I hope you receive a better memorial than you gave your sister. I'm sure she deserved much better than she got.



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