One of favorite Sci-Fi novels is about these sentient microbes from the planet Prokaryon and how they became symbiotic with humans, living inside the brain arachnoid and helping human carriers better their lives.
It's really good, but there's lots more to it.
Anyway, I was reading about this new Crispr technique and I was dreaming about Vorticella last night (because, you know, who wouldn't?). We've (Urchling and I) also been watching Stargate Atlantis again.
And now your article and another I read about the environmental waste that goes into producing computers two days ago.
Stir that stew all up and it occurs to me that the only way to carry cputersbintonwhateber future we might have left is to create organic ones powered by photosynthesis, with neuron like structures to carry eletrical impulses and housed within some kind of glass that would obviously have to have spiracles of some sort.