1 min readDec 4, 2023


On the other hand, maybe if they had before the genocide of Black people had taken place, maybe it wouldn't have.

Same thing with the Indigenous populations, even the ones in Europe.

Maybe the best way to stop our worst natures is for anybody stsrts talkint or hinting around at any kind of a -cide, they IMMEDIATELY get shouted down everyone else, not pandered to and not protected.

There is no true freedom without accountability. If you're "man" enough to be talking about a -cide, you're "man" enough to face the consequences.

After all, shunning only works to full effect when everyone does it. And too many people like you have already made your choice what you care more about.

So be it, but don't bitch and moan about the temperature and how women are angry at men then. It's not like we just woke up one morning with a wild hair up our butts. This turning of sentiment did not happen in a vacuum.



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