Okay...you make some halfway decent points; however, you've not really connected the dots to complete the picture.
First off, you're absolutely right in that 'the problem' is not men vs women, it's authoritarians vs egalitarians.
That's an excellent point and entirely true. Authoritarian women are a threat to men and women everywhere. Authoritarian men are a threat to men and women everywhere.
For obvious reasons. You nailed one in bringing up the issue of reproductive rights. I will add that these thundercunts are bringing harm to men too, it'll just be seen and recorded down the line. It'll hit women and children first, for obvious reasons.
But here's where you lost hold of your ego a bit and fell off the rails.
The bear vs man question actually speaks to that issue of egalitarian vs authoritarian conundrum as much or more than it says anything negative about men.
That's because under our particular version of dominance hierarchy as a social structure, men have rights to sex, women have the obligation to provide it, and depending upon how down the curve you fall toward authoritarianism every man falls, he has ideas about how much force, manipulation, or coercion may be applied in order to get what is his due. Also, they have the physical advantage of doing whatever they want if they so chose and theres little to nothing you can do to stop them.
Obviously, many men are full on egalitarians and the above sentence will disgust them. They might even gag a bit.
It's not a stark divide between egalitarian thinking and authoritarian thinking. Might be easier to wrassle with these things if it were. But it's not. That's not reality.
And there's nothing new here. You can go back to the days of Solomon and see wisdom dayings about this very same thing. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Right?
So this isn't feminists bashing men. This is a modern take on a moral truth that has been around for literal centuries. Millenia.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a good comparison of the hypothetical. And you have to consider the circumstances of the question as it's posed. It's not perfect, but it's a decent enough framing.
You encounter someone alone in a situation where there are no consequences to him to do whatever he might want to do. It might be give you a granola bar. It might be go Toolbox murder on you. It could be anything in between. What you do know is that in some form or fashion, you're going to have to deal with this man, wgos bigger and steonger than you and, due to the social organization, has been socialized to believe he has rights to your body and the right, obligation even, to direct or control you.
In that moment of encounter, that first glance, how do you know if the Jekyll before you won't go Hyde at any moment you're anywhere near him? How do you know where on the spectrum between egalitarian and authoritarian he falls? How do you know how much he thinks is his right and his due?
And now realize that whatever he does, the woman will be societally blamed for.
Whereas the bear is just going to be a bear. No more no less. What you see is what you get. They're not out to harm or use you. They're just being a bear. They want to be left alone so, for the most part, they'll leave you alone.
This isn't to say that authoritarian minded women aren't a threat. They most certainly are. However, they're not a direct threat in most instances, they come at you from the side like a Velociraptor, and it's not going to be a sexual threat.
But hey, if you change the environment, you're still going to get the same answer. Like:
If you're the new gal in an evangelical church, would you rather be on committee with a woman or a bear?
Sure, that's as hyperbolic as man vs bear in the woods.
But it's also honest.
It spraks to the overall exhaustion so many of us feel having to constantly deal with the user and abuser authoritarian types and how much their antics overall have eroded basic trust between people that the rest of us can't meet each ither in good faith with a vasic assumption of 'this person isn't out to get, hirt me, or use me in any way, form, or fashion. That they are exactly what they represent themselves to be. No more, no less. Just like that bear.
And yeah, a lot of the sexual aspect of this is a direct result of PUA culture and living in a rape culture. In the last few decades, women have been out through the wringer.
Last two thoughts and then I'll leave you alone. Women just answered the question. It was a man who came up with it.
Watch out for those TradWife types. They're running for you men, and from what I'm seeing, not enough of you are seeing them for the threat to your ability to thrive in life for what it is. They're authoritarians and they will drown you to benefit themselves.
Be well out there.