Okay, I made the previous comment after reading only the first couple of paragraphs.
Having now finished the article .....
Look, you boys are twisting yourselves into knots over nothing. You’re too concerned over faux ideas of status and you view women as objects to possess, not people.
By your own admission, you don’t even see her until you’ve used enough other women long enough to be desensitized, or whatever.
And you have to give up the "ideal woman" you’ve made up in your head to stand a chance of getting sex. You poor dears. Another frozen dinner instead of gourmet.
That kind of maladaptive thinking deserves and NEEDS to be culled from the gene pool. In the meantime, I suggest you twerps brace yourselves for the continuing mass exodus of female presence from your lives. Why would we bother with you when there are so many other men who actually do care about us women as people?