Oh. It's not cowardise. Make no mistake there. These motherfuckers know EXACTLY what they're doing. Playing atupid for the TV is not the same as being stupid.
It's not fear of the gun lobby, the NRA, or MAGA that keeps them from doing what they know is right. It's not cowardice.
It's greed and fascism. Our children are simply acceptable collateral damage on the road to wealth because our children matter less. They're disposable. Easily enough replaced. It's more beneficial to create conditions that will lead to massive births to force feed the economic engine, kids that will be raised in poverty so they know their place than it is to share and create conditions of widest spread common good.
There's a reason why all of this is happening now. It's all interrelated.
If today's mass shooting happened within a state legislature, tomorrow's happened at one of their schools and Wednesday's happened at their country club there would be a bill signed and passed banning AR-15s by the end of the week. We all know it.