Oh good grief. Of course I’m utilizing stereotypes. To a purpose. I’m drawing parallels.
Since you too, are so fragile you’ve lost all your pearls I’ll go further again.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with playing Fortnite or having a makeover party. I’ve won a melee or two myself and sometimes (gasp) I dress up. With makeup.
Do you need some smelling salts?
The difference is, I don’t place my whole worth or all my energies into these things and then expect people to just hand me a college degree, a nice spouse, a good job, and a ritzy house because I’m good at them without working to meet any of the requirements of a degree, a house, a job, or a spouse.
Winning a Fortnite melee way back when should not earn me those things. No reasonable person thinks it should. And if I then pout around, making a right arse of myself for years because I think it should, people are on point to tell me I’m a weak, lazy, entitled, washed up, bitter old drunken has been with a delusional and infantile ego. Because it would be true. Believe it or not, not everyone chooses to lead a virtuous life. Some people are spoiled; they’ll take everything they can and drown everyone around them. They’ll do everything they can get away with, throwing pity parties for themselves the whole time. That’s one of the harsh realities of life.
Further, I don’t look down on people who do enjoy Fortnite and makeup, et al. I’m not implying liking those things is a character flaw in and of itself.
So this is not bigotry or snobbishness either.
I just don’t give space or pander to or give sympathy to people who have squandered their lives pursuing a very limited number of (leisure, dopamine hit) activities that won’t have lasting value at the expense of more meaningful and well rounded development and then expect to have the world handed to them on a silver platter. That’s asinine.
I don’t begrudge anyone a college degree, no matter who they are or where they came from. But do the work and earn it. Like everyone else.
I don’t begrudge anyone a nice house. But earn it. Like everyone else.
I don’t begrudge anyone a job doing something they enjoy for a decent living wage. But earn it. Like everyone else.
I don’t begrudge anyone a Fortnite championship. But don’t think it gets you anything more than bragging rights that nobody’s going to care about in a decade.
I don’t begrudge anyone a prom queen crown. Enjoy the night. Absolutely. But don’t think it’s going to last more than a night.
I wish the world was more fair for everyone. That’s what feminism is all about in the end.
Can you not see that the people I’ve described are the ones working to keep it unfair, and undermining everyone else’s chances in life just to advantage themselves? Leaving everyone else to pay the tab?
Think for a minute. Think hard. Why are you defending that behavior of entitlement? You undermine yourself when you do. Think on it. Really, really think.