2 min readJan 14, 2022


"oh but they do" was related to men showing up to a date and asking to split the check not women asking men out on dates.

They do this a lot. And it is rude and unacceptable. This brings us back around full circle.

Most of the women commenting were giving reasons of why it's rude and unacceptable, they're explaining. In all of that none of them came right out and said WHAT makes it something that women find petty, cheap, and low.

When you (universal you not you personally) ask someone out on a date speaking nothing about arrangements for the bill beforehand all the while hyping up date and then hit them up for the bill that is disrespectful. She will have spent an equitable amount on what she thinks you're going to spend as a show of respect and to make the date worth it to you. Nails and a blowout/style can cost $100 easy.

And then you hit her up for half the bill or more. Having chosen the venue and stealing her choice to set something she's going to have to pay for. Having said nothing to inflate your ego, in essence lying about what you can truly afford and who you are. And then use feminism as a pitiful excuse for this dick move chicanery?

That's not equality. That's grifting.

If you were really about equality you would have leveled the playing field through the whole event, not just at the end for your benefit.

If you really respected her you would have been open and honest instead of employing forms of trickery.



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