Oct 13, 2023


Of course you do. Couldn't possibly be that I listened to what he had to say, thought about it, formed my own view based on my own education, personal experience, very widespread reading over years and years, investigation into the veracity of his claims, formed a judgement and THEN, based on all that, decided I didn't like him.

I'm sure he did consider myths and stories from many places. I'm also sure he's mangled the heart of many of them as well. And so what? People have been doing that for centuries in attempts to manipulate the masses. The Apostle Paul comes to mind immediately. That hardly makes Peterson anything special. That just makes him the next hack in a long long line of hacks.

I'll give him this. He's very very good at employing rhetorical sleights of hand. That's also one of the reasons he's a douchebag.



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