1 min readMar 9, 2022


Of course it's not innate. Or rather, it is because all humans have emotions and all humans learn to speak or can vocalize/cry/laugh. It's just not a naturally biologic "woman" thing. Men have the same "innate" ability. It's not gendered at all via evolution. It's gendered via culture.

Which means, obviously, that its a dynamic that can be adapted to a healthier balance for all of us.

Theres always talk about hownbad and toxic this dynamic is for men but I is for women too. It's just.the opposite side of the same coin. Beinf expected to shoulder or handle everyone's emotions is tough. Not all of us women even do or ever feel truly comfortable talking about feelings. How often does sharing something personal get weaponized against us? How often do we put dealing with our own on the back burner to handle.everyone else's till it boils over? Burnout anyone? No one has an infinite capacity to give and give and give of oneself. How is all of that not equally as toxic? As unhealthy? As damaging to ourselves, our families, and society?



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