Nothing wrong with that and I agree with you about single good being a valid lifestyle choice.
There are happily single men out there, just living their best lives. One of my friends is one, we meet up at the dog park a couple of times a month and play with the pooches.
Where I disagree, is about "messaging", at least in part. These comments are meant for single men who have explicitly said they want a partner and then bemoan their loneliness, not all single men.
Many are even trying to figure out why they got left, as they were married previously and don't want to make the same mistake. This is what MEN are saying.
So, how are they getting invalidating messaging when a direct question THEY have asked is being answered?
The answer is consistent as well. Women still want partnership it they no longer have to settle or make so with a man who won't reciprocate real, meaningful, equitable partnership as well.
Did you notice that you spent the first half of the article saying these single guys are getting a raw deal but finished up with the same basic advice?
Either learn to partner like you promised when you take those vows or hire yourself a maid, a life coach or therapist, get a hobby and make some friends, and seek sexual services from a professional.
Because women are divesting from the fuckmaid life.