2 min readApr 10, 2023


Not that wild. In a lot of cases, it's true. It's not true across the board so sweeping generalizations are hard. But here's the skinny.

Most feminists are disgusted by TradWife culture for obvious reasons. It's a slap in the face, a disrespect to our mothers and grandmothers who fought for us to have autonomy. Most especially the way they often present themselves, and because it's all a farce. It's playacting.

I'm gonna be honest. I'm just as disgustes by some of these TradWife pigs as I am by people who say the Holocaust wasn't real, which I consider to be a disrespect to my grandfather who fought in WWII and every other man and woman who fought against fascism.

It's absolutely unforgivable. You have to be some kind of stupid to think believe the lies being peddled there.

My grandmother was a TradWife during that time. She wasn't wearing pretty dresses. She was out castrating pigs and running a small farm, mostly alone while my grandfather was gone for weeks at a time working for the railroad. She was raising two boys, again, mostly alone. She was taking care of veterans and building up the community. Helping support the fight against mining companies.

It wasn't a bunch of tea parties. It was endless, ceaseless work that you didn't get paid or recognized for.

That's the reality. To suggest anything else is a blatant lie and a manipulation.

It's offensive.

That said, if that's how the little idiot wants to live her life, more power to her. It's her choice. I don't have to like it, agree with it, or support it. Truly, it's no skin off my back.

Stay the fuck out of money and I'll stay the fuck out of yours. Cool?

And that's where we have a problem. The stupid little twits refuse to stay out of mine.

Look at how many agree with and vote for bullshit like blanket abortion bans, women being disenfranchised from the vote, women being denied all but a few careers, restrictions on education, basically women being pushed back out of public life.

They're supporting Christian nationalism, which includes the push toward genocide of LGBTQ and a return to segregation.

So now we're beyond wearing pretty dresses and into actively participating in a fascist rise that will harm me, my daughter, my nieces, my sister, my friends, my colleagues, and my neighbors.

And that? That's not okay. That won't be abided.

If somebody is going to be thrown under the bus, it's going to be the cosplay dumbass in the stupid looking 40s frock, not my daughter.

Most of you men wise to stay out of this argument, unless you have someone negatively impacted you're looking to protect/stand with.



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