Not surprised. Alito's referring back to Hale was what disturbed me so profoundly.
And we keep seeing it time and time again from conservatives.
They're basing their political opinions and bostaglia of a past America on the unhinged beliefs of torturers, murderers, frauds, thieves, child molestors, rapists, etc. In essence, abusers of all sorts.
You want to think its just ignorance. But this is the day of the internet. Information is at everyone's fingertips. Remaining ignorant is a choice.
Okay. So why?
Two options I see. And neither one of them is good.
1. Laziness, indolance, would rather go along and follow than think a thing through and possibly be outgrouped if you did and had to take a stand. Better to just not know. Stick your head in the sand.
2. The only thing holding you back from your desire to do those things too is that they're generally frowned upon now and come with risk, a.k.a. jail. Can't have that. What's a wannabe pervert or torturer to do? Remove laws of protection and return to coverture. A man can do whatever he wants with his own property, yes? You buy it, it's yours. Just like Hale suggested in his works, marriage is a purchase and wives are obligated to not be a lemon, regardless of what options said husband desires.
BTW, women are being denied medical and mental care for being pregnant in Arizona now. They're being turned away for things that have nothing to do with their pregnancy. It's just because they're pregnant and the Provider soesnt want to face the litigative risk of legal limbo because Republicans "think about" whether or not it's acceptable to torture women.
I was in Walmart the other day, right after. I don't see pregnant women much anymore. I like to think it's because women have stopped having babies because of all this madness. Whatever.
There were two pregnant women in the store that I saw. They looked absolutely stunned. Full on trauma stunned. Like, that literal moment when you've picked yourself up after having been beat senseless by a raging alcoholic husband and you're just trying not to fall down again lest he gets ticked off again and come beat you some more.
Broke my heart.